Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Morgue of Mayhem is now OPEN!!!!

Greetings Fellow Gorehounds.

I am the DRofGOREOLOGY and this is my first journey into the world of Blogging.

If you, dear reader, are a fan of Horror/Gore/ Exploitation films then I hope this becomes a regular place to come visit....As I will try my best to make it as interesting/entertaining/educational for you as I can.

But Before all the fun can start...A little about your host first.

Name: You, dear reader, can call me "Doc".
Location: S.E. area of Wisconsin. (In the good old U.S.A. for you Abroad readers)
Age: 36
Hobbies: Collecting Uncut/Unrated Horror Films (DVD & VHS).
Where to find me on the "Net": At the Message Boards at (my home when I'm HOME).
Favorite Horror Film: "May" followed closely by Dawn of the Dead '78 (hate having to use the year it was made due to the asinine -- can I say asinine? -- remake.)

Future News worthy Items:

1. Fangoria Weekend of Horrors convention (March 4-5). I will be attending on the 4th and shall have a report on it a day or two following. (Hopefully with Pictures).

2. Flashback Weekend Convention (in July...Details on I will also be attending this Convention, as I have in 'o4 & '05, and will also have a report of it a day or two following. (Pictures Should accompany the report.).

3. Sometime during the summer of '06, in the Chicagoland area, I will be participating in the making of a Low Budget Horror film called "Hotrod Zombies from Hell." What I can tell you is that I expressed interest in wanting to be a Zombie in the film. The film-makers asked for a picture of I sent them one; (See picture above) and now they want to set up an appointment for a Reading/Audition. They are trying to make it for sometime in March....That's the last I heard of anything but they are juggling a few things right now such as re-writes and things. I wait patiently for the news.

That is it for now. Hope you learned something about me (yes, I did hold back a little bit). Mystery is the key....Always leave them coming back for more.

Pleasant Screams.


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