Friday, February 17, 2006

Good news/Bad news concerning upcoming Cons.

Greetings Fellow Gorehounds.

Today I have some good news and bad news about the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors Convention and the Flashback Weekend Convention.

Bad News reguarding the Fangoria Weekend of Horror's Convention....

Dee Snider (Twisted Sister fame) has cancelled his appearance at the Convention this year due to a throat surgery.

Good News reguarding the Flashback Weekend Convention (July)...

The man who came to "Chew Bubble Gum and Kick ass" is invading the Chicagoland area....and he's all OUT OF BUBBLE GUM!!!!!!
ROWDY Roddy Piper is making a weekend appearance at Flashback. Now maybe I can get the answer to that ever nagging question I have...."Whatever happened to "Mean" Gene Oakerland?"


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