Thursday, March 09, 2006

Got a phone call this morning....

Last Saturday, at the Fangoria convention, I paid $20 for 5 tickets for a Raffle that Tripod Films was having in the Downstairs Dealer Room. The Prize was to be Killed ( Fictitiously of course) in an upcoming film.

One guy was about to enter untill he noticed that it was $5 per ticket. "Oh, I didn't kow you had to PAY to that case forget it."
I looked at the guy, puzzled, and said. "It's not like the money is going into thier pockets. It's more than likely going to be invested in thier next film." I looked at the guy running the table and said. "I'll take 5 tickets." as I handed him a $20.

I woke up to a phone call early in the day. It was from Tripod films.........I WON!!!
I accepted the prize. I will get to be in an Upcoming production and be (Fictitiously) killed. How cool is that???

First "Hot Rod Zombies from Hell" shooting this summer....Now this.

The Tripod film won't begin shooting until September at the earliest.

It's going to be an INTERESTING year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's pretty sweet!!! Congrats.

Nice job on the blog also. Much better than most jerks' ranting and raving about absolutely nada.

5:17 PM  
Blogger DRofGOREOLOGY said...

Thanks for the kind words.

10:50 PM  
Blogger Second Source said...

Great blog. Have fun being (ficticiously- killed.

8:46 AM  

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